
Pic de Morgon

Go on an adventure to the Pic de Morgon: an unforgettable hike in the heart of the Hautes-Alpes

An exceptional hiking experience

Pic de Morgon is an emblematic hiking destination in the Hautes-Alpes, offering spectacular panoramic views of Lake Serre-Ponçon and its surroundings. Whether you are an experienced hiker or a nature lover, this hike promises you an unforgettable experience in the heart of the mountains.


Presentation of the Pic du Morgon

Culminating at 2,324 meters above sea level, the Pic du Morgon is located in the Massif des Écrins, overlooking Lake Serre-Ponçon. This impressive summit is accessible via several marked trails (link in French), adapted to different levels of difficulty. The hike to the summit is a thrilling adventure, rewarded with 360-degree panoramic views of the surrounding alpine landscapes.


Hiking Itinerary

For the complete experience, here is one of the most popular routes to reach the summit of Pic de Morgon:

1. Departure from Boscodon Abbey:

  • Starting Point: The Boscodon Abbey (link in French) , a historic and picturesque site located approximately 15 km from your accommodation in Toues Cabanées du Lac.
  • Distance: Approximately 12 km round trip.
  • Elevation difference: Approximately 1,000 meters.
  • Duration: Allow approximately 5 to 6 hours of walking round trip.
  • Level: Moderate to difficult, requiring good physical condition.

2. Ascent to Morgon Ridge:

  • Follow the marked path from the abbey, crossing beech and fir forests before reaching the mountain pastures.
  • The climb becomes steeper as you approach the ridge, offering increasingly spectacular views.

3. Arrival at the Summit:

  • Once on the ridge, continue to the summit of Pic du Morgon, where you will be rewarded with breathtaking views of Lac de Serre-Ponçon, the surrounding mountains and the valleys below.


Tips for Hikers

To fully enjoy your hike at Pic du Morgon, here are some useful tips:

  • Prepare well: make sure you have sturdy hiking shoes, clothing appropriate for the weather conditions, and enough water and food.
  • Check the weather forecast: Check the weather conditions before you go, as the weather can change quickly in the mountains.
  • Early start: Start your hike early in the morning to avoid the heat of the afternoon and to have enough time for the ascent and descent.
  • Respect nature: Follow the marked trails, leave no trace of your passage and respect the local fauna and flora.


Practical Information

  • Access: Boscodon Abbey is easily accessible by car from your accommodation in Toues Cabanées du Lac. Free parking is available nearby.
  • Best Period: the months of June to September are ideal for this hike, with favorable climatic conditions and landscapes in full bloom.
  • Map and Guide: Carry a detailed hiking map and consider hiring a local guide for an even more enriching experience. Hiking apps can also help you find your way (IGN Rando, Visorando).


A trip to the summit not to be missed!

Hiking to the Pic du Morgon is an unforgettable adventure that will allow you to discover the natural and wild beauty of the Hautes-Alpes. By staying at Les Toues Cabanées du Lac, you are ideally placed to explore this natural gem. Prepare for a memorable day of hiking and breathtaking views.


Photo (c) Flickr – Caroline Colonna

Stay in a converted sand barge

How about coming to recharge your batteries in a houseboat moored by the beach? These floating barges have been converted into houseboats with all land-lubber mod cons for a holiday at a slow pace. Anchored in Foreston Bay, on the beautiful blue waters of Serre-Ponçon lake, the Houseboats on the Lake form a distinctive base camp from which to explore Hautes-Alpes.

experience marin d'eau douce toues cabanées du lac

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